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香港で初の屋外型電気自動車展示会【Zero Carbon World】が開催されます





時間:12時30分~18時00分 参加費無料




テーマ グリーン・モビリティ 香港の公共交通におけるゼロ・カーボンとスマートなユニバーサル・アクセスを実現するためのビジョン


時間:16:00~17:00 参加費無料


Ev Dynamics was invited to participate in the Construction Industry Zero Carbon World's first outdoor electric vehicle exhibition in Hong Kong.

To promote the development of Hong Kong as a low carbon city, Zero Carbon World for Construction is the first to collaborate with the industry to organize Hong Kong's first outdoor electric vehicle exhibition, featuring different types of electric vehicles, including buses, minibuses, even Rehabuses, driverless autonomous vehicles, trucks, private cars and motorcycles. "Zero Emission", The first all-electric barrier-free public light bus in Hong Kong will be displayed at the event, and families are invited to come and join us in our journey towards a new green and smart city!

Date: 21 - 23 October 2022 (Friday - Sunday)

Time: 12:30 pm - 6:00 pm Free to attend

Venue: Construction Industry Zero Carbon World (8 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay)

Event website:

To further promote the benefits of low-carbon driving, we are organizing a seminar during the Motor Show. All parties are welcome to attend and learn more ways to practice "zero emission" in public transport in Hong Kong.

Theme: Green Mobility A Vision for Zero Carbon and Smart Universal Access to Public Transport in Hong Kong

Date: 23 October 2022 (Sunday)

Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Free to attend

Venue: Zero Carbon World Multi-purpose Hall for Construction Industry (8 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay)


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